This Michael Powell Award-winning documentary, directed by acclaimed filmmaker Penny Woolcock, charts the attempts by two warring gangs in inner city Birmingham, the Burger Bar Boys (B21) and the Johnson Crew (B6), to bring peace to their neighbourhoods.
It follows Penny Woolcock’s Hip Hop musical 1 Day which depicted these postcode wars. One Mile Away was initiated by Shabba, a young man affiliated to the Johnson side who met Penny during her research for 1 Day.
He saw her as neutral and as someone who had built trust on both sides.
Penny agreed to get involved and introduced Shabba to Dylan Duffus - the lead actor in 1 Day and affiliated to the Burger side.
The film follows their painstaking journey over two years to recruit more supporters from both sides.
Along the way, they get advice from Jonathan Powell, who oversaw the Good Friday Agreement, and the riots erupt in Birmingham in Summer 2011, with surprising consequences.
One Mile Away is released March 29th.