Watership Down

Watership Down

As kids there are the movies that enchant us and stay with us for a lifetime. But there are also movies that totally terrify us and scar us forever.

We take a look at some of the movies that well and truly scared us to death. Harmless kid's films these are not!!

- Watership Down

Watership Down was a movie that was released back in 1972 and was a big screen adaptation of the classic novel by Richard Adams.

Directed by Martin Rosen, the movie follows a group of rabbits flee their doomed warren and face many dangers to find and protect their new home.

I saw Watership Down as a kid and I swear seeing a group of animated rabbit rip each other to pieces was totally terrifying - content like this should never be in a kid's film.

I have to admit that I have never watched this film again - I am twenty seven now - as it still send shivers down my spine.

- Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory is quite often regarded as one of the best kid's films but I have always hated it.

It doesn't help the fact that I am not a Roald Dahl fan probably doesn't help. but Gene Wilder is just so flesh crawlingly creepy throughout.

But it is the tunnel scene - you all know which one I am talking about - that is totally terrifying as Willy Wonka seems to totally lose his mind.

- Return To Oz

There is a real charm to The Wizard of Oz - that is what has made it so enduring - but I expect The Wicked Witch of the West and the flying monkey terrified some.

But Return To Oz has none of this charm and really is incredibly dark for a child's film.

Dorothy being chased by the Wheelers is creepy enough, but the head-swapping princess Mobi tops the lot; who thought the collector of young girl's head was a good idea for a kid's film?

Return to Oz is just creepy from start to finish and a movie that you won't forget.

- IT

Quite a lot of kids grow up scared of clowns, and it is not surprising if any of them have seen IT.

The TV series was an adaptation of the Stephen King novel and has Pennywise the Dancing Clown at the centre of the story.

In 1960, seven outcast kids known as "The Loser Club" fight an evil demon who poses as a child-killing clown. 30 years later, they are called back to fight the same clown again.

- The Witches

We have already discussed on Roald Dahl adaptation, and now we are taking a look at The Witches.

Released back in 1990, the movie was directed by Nicolas Roeg and starred Anjelica Huston, Brenda Blethyn, Rowan Atkinson and Jane Horrocks.

As if the girl in the picture is not creepy enough, we see the witches all remove their faces to show what lies beneath - terrifying!!!!

But when you look back on it now, you have to admit that the make-up was pretty damn good.

- RoboCop

When you are at a young age you always want to watch movies that you shouldn't see. In our wisdom we decided to watch RoboCop VERY young, not to mention on the sly.

The scene where Alex Murphy is murdered is a little graphic and it had me hiding behind the sofa.

But it is one of those cinema experiences that stay with you and I have never been able to watch that sequence ever again. That is why ten year olds should never watch an eighteen.

Other movies that were scary for kids include Pee Wee and His Big Adventure, Gremlins, James and the Giant Peach and Dark Crystal.

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