Stephen Graham still feels some regret over quitting volunteering work to pursue a career in Hollywood.

Stephen Graham

Stephen Graham

The 46-year-old actor was volunteering at a local youth centre when he was called in for an audition, and though he's subsequently established himself as one of the most respected talents in the TV and movie businesses, Stephen looks back on his volunteering work with fondness.

He shared: "I loved it, and the kids listened to me, because I'm the same as them.

"Even recently, this woman said hello in the street, and my actor ego kicked in for a second. But she said, 'You helped my lad Ben out all those years ago. He was going through a bad patch, and it gave him some confidence. He's doing really well now - job, missus...'"

Stephen - who was born in Kirkby in England - has successfully combined working in Hollywood with continuing to appear on various British TV shows.

But the acclaimed actor - who has starred in hits such as 'Line of Duty' and 'Gangs of New York' - has insisted he doesn't treat anybody differently, regardless of their fame or success.

Asked whether he'd ever put all of his Hollywood pals and his long-time friends in one room, Stephen told the Sunday Times newspaper: "It's a possibility. That's the way I was brought up. I'm no better and no worse than anyone."

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