When the line-up for Phase Three of Marvel movies was released there was one question on the lips of a lot of people... where is the solo Black Widow movie?

Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow

Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow

Scarlett Johansson will be returning to the role of Black Widow for her fourth outing next week with Avengers: Age of Ultron and yet there is still no word about her getting a solo project of her own - which I just happen to think would be a terrific box office success.

The character and Johansson in the role have proved to be a huge hit - particularly in Avengers Assemble and Captain America: The Winter Solider, and the actress reveals that she and Kevin Feige have discussed the possibility of a future solo film.

Johansson also revealed that she and Feige share a similar vision for the character should a solo movie be given the green light.

Speaking to Collider, the actress said: "I've spoken to Kevin about it. I mean, of course, of course we've had that conversation before, and I think Kevin would also like to see a standalone film. I think I can speak for him and say that.

That's all, really. Right now I think this character is used well in this part of the universe, but I think that Kevin - I mean, we've talked about it and we both share similar vision for what could be a standalone series."

Joss Whedon revealed last year that Black Widow would have an even bigger role in Age of Ultron than she did in the first Avengers film. It has since been announced that she would also be returning to the Captain America franchise for Civil War.

Civil War is set to start shooting any time and will see her reunite with Chris Evans for their second Captain America movie together. Robert Downey Jr, Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie, and Daniel Bruhl are all also on board.

As for Age of Ultron, the excitement surrounding the film is growing and it looks set to be a super smash at the box office.

Black Widow is one of the most interesting characters in the Marvel universe with a rich story as well as a dark background - not to mention she has been played perfectly by Johansson. I would love to see this character given a solo film... and the sooner the better.

Avengers: Age of ULtron is released 23rd April.

Captain America: Civil War is released 29th April 2016.

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