Ryan Gosling wants a 'Nice Guys' sequel.

Ryan Gosling
Gosling - who stars alongside Russell Crowe in the crime film - is already hopeful about the possibility of a follow up movie.
He said: "How much are they offering [for a franchise], do you know? Is it sequel money that we are talking about or just points? I hope people want to see [another 'Nice Guys' movie] because I think if we did another a second film it would be in the '80s and that would be very exciting for me.
"(Director) Shane Black has such a great track record. And Russell is such a great actor, he can do anything. I think even if both of us had just taken it very seriously, as I think they were expecting us to do, it still would have worked."
And Ryan insists he has no plans to stick to just one genre when it comes to his acting.
He added to News Corp Australia: "Comedies are what I grew up on. And dark comedies, physical comedies were always my favourite films. I just never figured I would get a chance to make them. So it's not that I wasn't doing them intentionally. It's just that I wasn't being considered for them ...
"I grew up on musicals. I always wanted to do one. But I like old musicals. It's just lucky for me that I was in the right place in my career to get to work with Damien Chazelle ('Whiplash') at this point in his career when he wants to make a film that's like an old Fred and Ginger film.
"You're lucky to get work as an actor, and then to have this level of choice, and then to get to work with people that are as good at what they do as I am getting to work with now, it's not to be planned for. You can hope for it, but it doesn't always work out that way."
Tagged in Ryan Gosling