Melissa McCarthy is set to star in 'Margie Claus'.

Melissa McCarthy
The 46-year-old actress has been tapped to play a role in the Christmas-themed movie after New Line Cinema purchased the pitch from McCarthy, her husband Ben Falcone and their co-writer Damon Jones.
It is thought it will be a first for McCarthy as she is expected to show off her singing voice in the movie, which follows the story of Santa Claus' wife Margie. Pressed to put together a team when her husband goes missing on Christmas Eve, Margie must then finish his task of delivering presents around the world but also has to contend with the fact it is the first time she has left the North Pole in years, in a bid to save her husband and Christmas.
McCarthy and Falcone are set to produce through On the Day whilst Falcone is expected to co-write alongside Jones.
The movie is currently being slated for release on November 15, 2019, Variety magazine reports.
And Melissa will no doubt be thrilled that the film has been picked up by a studio as she previously admitted she would like to see more not so "perfect" women represented in films.
She explained: "I think it's always incredibly powerful when we see, in films and in art, the women that we are surrounded by. I am surrounded by strong, flawed, funny, heroic, crazy, loving women. And I think, for so long, we weren't showing real women.
"We were showing perfect women - they wore the perfect thing, they never got upset. I don't know any of those women. I know women and men that are every colour and mood and emotion. Don't be surprised when you see interesting, multi-dimensional women. That's the goal. We're not supposed to be perfect; we are supposed to be real."
Tagged in Melissa McCarthy Ben Falcone