Karl Urban

Karl Urban

Karl Urban says that he would be open to another Dredd movie if the opportunity ever arose.

The actor took over the role from Sylvester Stallone when the character returned to the big screen last year.

Despite being a terrific action movie Dredd struggled at the box office and director Adi Shankar hinted earlier this year that a sequel probably wouldn't go ahead.

But Urban says that he would give it some consideration if a sequel was to go ahead.

Speaking to the Press Association the actor said: "I don't know. I would be open to it but obviously, it's not my choice.

"I'm glad that it went down so well. It was a good, fun film and it's amazing how many people I talk to that really enjoyed Dredd and have discovered it on DVD."

But there is no rest for Urban as he returned to the big screen last week as Bones in Star Trek Into Darkness.

He was reprising the role he played in the 2009 Star Trek movie as he reunited with director J.J. Abrams.

Urban will be back later this year with Riddick while he has also completed work on The Loft.

Star Trek Into Darkness is out now.

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