Joseph Kosinski

Joseph Kosinski

Joseph Kosinski says that Tron 3 is going to expand on the previous movie.

Kosinski will be back in the director's chair for the new Tron movie, will come four years after he made his directorial debut with Tron Legacy.

Speaking to ET the director said: [TRON 3] - the TRON [Legacy] sequel - kind of takes where we left off in ‘Legacy’, that idea in the last few minutes of the film, and really expands on it in an exciting way."

While there are no actors officially conformed for the filmed it is expected that Garrett Hedlund and Olivia Wilde will be reprising their roles of Sam Flynn and Quorra.

Kosinski returned to the director's chair earlier this year when he adapted his own graphic novel Oblivion for the big screen.

Tron 3 will be the next project for the director and will on be the third feature film of his directing career.

While no official release date has been given for the film it is expected to hit the big screen next year.

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