John C. Reilly was "moved" by 'Ralph Breaks the Internet'.

John C. Reilly
The 53-year-old actor is proud of the Disney movie because it reaches out to children - rather than allowing its tone and feel to be driven by financial concerns.
John told Collider: "It's always satisfying when people go see a movie that you've done, as opposed to the alternative.
"But honestly, if I thought about the financial worries of the different studios, I would never get out of bed in the morning.
"That's a lot of money on the line, and it's not really my department. What I was really satisfied with was when I saw the film and it really moved me.
"It made sense to me, and it made me feel like we were giving girls something that a Disney movie maybe hasn't given them so much before, or that we were giving kids emotional nourishment.
"We were talking about real relationship stuff, and what it's like for a boy and a girl to have a friendship, and what that requires when people grow.
"For a movie about digital characters in the internet, we cover some very human things, and that's what I'm proud of. I would be proud of that whether the movie made any money or not."
The actor has reprised his role as Wreck-It Ralph in the sequel, and has previously revealed how he goes about recording his lines for animated movies.
He stated: "I just do as many takes as I can until I feel like I did the best or the most honest way I can do it. That's usually what I'm chasing."
Tagged in John C. Reilly