Jerry Bruckheimer

Jerry Bruckheimer

Jerry Bruckheimer has brushed off the bad reviews that The Lone Ranger has been receiving.

The Lone Ranger is the latest Disney movie and sees Bruckheimer, once again, producing a Johnny Depp led movie.

And while the film has not been met well by the critics in America, Bruckheimer believes that opinions will changed when the film is looked back on.

Speaking to the producer said: "It reminds me of a critic who called Flashdance a 'toxic dump'.

"Ten years later they said, 'This is really a good movie. I missed it.' I think [Lone Ranger] is going to be looked back on as a brave, wonderful film.

"You always want to get good reviews, but you know, it's reversed in Europe. It's 70 per cent good reviews and 30 per cent mixed there. So, that happens."

The film sees Gore Verbinski back in the director's chair while Armie Hammer and Depp take on the role of The Lone Ranger and Tonto.

The movie was savaged by the critics in the U.S. and has struggled at the box office. So far, the movie has failed to make back its estimated $225 million budget.

The Lone Ranger is released 9th August.

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