We love Cate Blanchett here at FemaleFirst and she is back on the big screen in the New Year as she stars in new drama Truth.

Truth sees Blanchett team up with Robert Redford as they take on the roles of Mary Mapes and Dan Rather - producer and anchor at for CBS 60 Minutes.
The movie is based on the memoir by Mapes and sees James Vanderbilt in the director's chair. Truth is the feature film directorial debut for Vanderbilt - he has also penned the film's screenplay.
Check out a trio of images from the film:

A fantastic cast has been assembled for the film, as Blanchett and Redford are joined on Topher Grace, Dennis Quaid, Elisabeth Moss, Bruce Greenwood, Stacy Keach, David Lyson, and Dermot Mulroney.
The film chronicles the story Mapes and Rather (Blanchett & Redford) uncovered that a sitting US president may have been AWOL from the United States National Guard for over a year during the Vietnam War.
When the story blew up in their face, the ensuing scandal ruined Dan Rather's career, nearly changed a US Presidential election, and almost took down all of CBS News in the process.
Blanchett and Redford are two of cinema's finest actors and I cannot wait to see them share the big screen together.
Truth is released 4th March 2016.
Tagged in Cate Blanchett Robert Redford