I am a huge fan of Dexter Fletcher as a filmmaker and he is set to return to the director's chair this April with his latest film Eddie The Eagle.

Eddie The Eagle

Eddie The Eagle

Eddie The Eagle is the third film for Fletcher, following on from Wild Bill and Sunshine on Leith, and see him tackle the sports biopic for the first time.

The movie screened at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this week, and now the first clip from the movie has arrived featuring Taron Egerton and Hugh Jackman. Check it out:

Egerton takes on the central role of Eddie, who is determined to become Great Britain's first Olympic ski-jumper and Jackman is on board as trainer Bronson Peary.

The duo is joined on the cast list by Christopher Walken, Tim McInnerny, Mark Benton, and Keith Allen.

Eddie the Eagle follows the realisation of the childhood dream of Eddie, and his unflinching determination to become Great Britain's first Olympic ski-jumper.

Reluctantly aided by former ski-jumper Bronson Peary as his coach, Eddie is unwavering in his quest to reach the 1988 Calgary Winter Games. Eddie the Eagle is an uplifting, inspirational story that celebrates the human spirit, passion, and one man's refusal to accept defeat.

Eddie The Eagle received a great reaction after its secret screening at the festival, and I cannot wait to see what Fletcher delivers this time around.

Eddie The Eagle is released 1st April.

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