Encanto is a recently-released Disney movie that follows a young girl who is the only one in her town without any magical abilities, but may be the only person who can save the beautiful titular homeland.
Each member of Mirabel Madrigal’s (Stephanie Beatriz) family has a wonderful gift, from shape-shifting to super strength. Mirabel is the only one left without, which has her feeling like an outcast.
However, when her whimsical home and the residents within become endangered, Mirabel must embark on a quest to save Encanto, and her incredible family.
Encanto has a wonderful and talented voice cast, with Brooklyn 99’s Beatriz voicing main character Mirabel, Diane Guerrero (Doom Patrol), John Leguizamo (John Wick), and Alan Tudyk (Rogue One).
Yesterday (December 20th, 2021), Disney released a new behind-the-scenes clip for Encanto, placing the spotlight on Lin-Manuel Miranda’s exceptional talent in songwriting.
The ‘behind the lyrics’ featurette centres on a few of the original songs written by Miranda, who states that “This film is about family, about how simple that is and how complicated that is."
“Every song is a discovery”, continues Miranda, “...and it’s really exciting.”
Beatriz and Miranda discuss the wonders of the songs within Encanto, as they reminisce about the songs and the comradery they shared while working together. The two stars laugh and recall the joys of creating such a magical movie that fans all over the world can enjoy.
Miranda has worked with Disney before on Moana (2016), which was a roaring success with audiences; it seems as though Miranda’s his work wonders for the features he helps bring to life, and Encanto is proof of this.
Encanto released in cinemas on November 24th, 2021 in the UK, and will land on Disney+ on December 24th, 2021.
Written by Melissa, who you can follow on Twitter @melissajournal
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Tagged in Disney Stephanie Beatriz Lin-Manuel Miranda