Deadpool keeps on breaking box office records and it has now become the highest grossing X-Men movie to hit the big screen so far.

Last week, Deadpool become the most successful R-Rated film EVER and now it has grossed more money than any other X-Men film in the popular series.
So far, the movie has grossed over $754 million at the global box office and has just surpassed the total of $747.9 million set by X-Men: Days of Future Past - which was the highest grossing film in the series - back in 2014.
X-Men: The Last Stand has now slipped to third in the X-Men all-time list with a worldwide gross of $459.4 million in 2006.
Deadpool has been a commercial smash as well as a critical hit and will end the year as one of the highest-grossing films. However, the title of 'Highest Grossing Film of the Year' is seriously under threat with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice closing in on the $700 million after nearly two weeks on release.
And, Deadpool may see its X-Men movie record put under some pressure later this year as X-Men: Apocalypse is set for release - it really does look like it is going to be a huge hit.
This is the first X-Men film since the success of Days of Future Past and sees Bryan Singer back in the director's chair. Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, James McAvoy, and Nicholas Hoult will all be back.
As for Deadpool, I think that it is safe to say that a sequel will be in the pipeline sooner rather than later. Reynolds has also expressed his desire to make an X-Force film.
Tagged in Deadpool