Chris Hemsworth

Chris Hemsworth

Chris Hemsworth says that a short hand has developed between himself and co-star Tom Hiddleston during the three films that they have done together.

Hemsworth and Hiddleston are back on the big screen next week as they reprise the roles of Thor and Loki in Thor: The Dark World - the second stand-alone film for the title character.

Speaking at the global press conference for the film Hemsworth said that he enjoys exploring the relationship of Thor and Loki with Hiddleston: “There is certainly a short-hand that we have together because this is the third film that we have done together: you do spend a chunk of your time getting to know each other. We picked up here we left off and we have developed a great friendship along the way.

“From the beginning, we were lucky because we had this chemistry and the same kind of enthusiasm: this is the relationship. I really look forward to delving into every time and being able to ask the questions that Thor and Loki haven’t had the acute focus to do so yet: this instance was a great opportunity that we had.”

It was back in 2011 that we were introduced to the Thor franchise for the first time, since then we have seen Hemsworth and Hiddleston reprise their roles in last summer’s smash Avengers Assemble.

This time around, Alan Taylor has taken over the director’s chair from Kenneth Branagh and we are set to see the Thor/Loki relationship at its most complex.

However, there are other familiar faces returning as Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins, Idris Elba and Kat Dennings are all back: Christopher Eccleston is the big new addition as he takes on the role of Malekith.

Thor: The Dark World is released 30th October.

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