Anna Kendrick wants to take "a good six months off and not make movies".

Anna Kendrick

Anna Kendrick

Kendrick - who's been travelling promoting Pitch Perfect 2 alongside co-star Rebel Wilson - has admitted the Hollywood film business has taken its toll and she's keen to take an extended break.

The 29-year-old star said: "It's hard to take a step back and see if there's something I should be doing differently.

"At some point I'll have to take a good six months off and not make movies.

"But working for 14 hours a day for months at a time is not sustainable.

"Not being on a set means you can explore the world and enrich your life. It'd probably be wise to invest in those things."

Meanwhile, Anna also said she doesn't fancy relocating to London because she doesn't think it suits her temperament.

She told Stylist magazine: "I find London one of those cities that I'm just too soft to handle unless I had heaps and heaps of money. It's so spread out.

"I don't think I could handle it at this point in my life, it would break me."

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