Amanda Seyfried

Amanda Seyfried

Amanda Seyfried says that she would not gain weight for a film role.

While we have been seeing many actors over the years putting weight on and losing it for their work, Seyfried says that she would not do something unhealthy for a role.

When asked by Grazia magazine if she would gain 20 kilos for a film, she said:

No. That's so unhealthy. I wouldn't want to lose or gain any pounds. I don't want to inflict that on my body, it would make everything out of sync. You've got to take care of your body.

"Sometimes, like everyone, I eat badly: I love sugar and cheese. I don't have to struggle to stay slim, but because I'm so short, you see it immediately.

Luckily, I lose the weight pretty quickly, I do a lot of exercise, I run and I walk, with my dog of course. I'm sure that with kids, it would be even easier!"

We haven’t seen Seyfried on the big screen since the middle of last year, but she will be back this summer with a Million Ways to Die in the West.

The movie sees her work with director Seth MacFarlane for the first time, and star alongside Charlize Theron and Liam Neeson.

She is also currently filming While We’re Young with Ben Stiller, Naomi Watts and Adam Driver: Noah Baumbach is in the director’s chair and has penned the screenplay.

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