Aaron Eckhart

Aaron Eckhart

Aaron Eckhart says that is it difficult to pick a nationality for a bad guy in film these days because movies are internationally funded.

Eckhart is back on the big screen this week in new action movie Olympus Has Fallen in which he play a U.S. President who is taken hostage by North Korean terrorists.

And getting a villain on to the big screen is more difficult than ever because everyone wants to be the good guys.

Speaking to the Press Association the actor said: "We have a big Hollywood machine... Who do you pick for the bad guy these days?

"Hollywood's no longer an American event. These movies are funded by India, China, Russia, Venezuela - and one of their stipulations is, 'We're good guys'."

Eckhart teams up with Gerard Butler for the new movie while Antoine Fuqua is in the director's chair.

Eckhart is currently filming Divergent with Shailene Woodley and Kate Winslet and he has completed work on I, Frankenstein.

Olympus Has Fallen is released 17th April.

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