Viggo Mortensen
Viggo Mortensen has revealed that he may appear in The Hobbit, the prequel to The Lord of the Rings.
However it won't be Peter Jackson behind the camera as Guillermo del Toro was chosen to helm the two movies based on the book and Mortensen's character of Aragorn may appear in the second of these films.
He told Ain't It Cool New:'Nobody's come to me'. But I won't be surprised if they do, if I'm right for it in their eyes.'
"Obviously, as an actor who originated on film that role, I'd rather finish the job than see another actor do it."
Despite enjoying some success before Lord of the Rings it was the trilogy of movies and the character of Aragon that propelled Mortensen to superstardom as The Return of the King won eleven Oscars including Best Picture.
Since then Mortensen has worked with director David Cronenberg on The History of Violence and Eastern Promises, the latter earning him a Best Actor Oscar nomination.