

There will be a huge villain in Thor 2 according to Kevin Feige, Marvel Studios head.

While Loki is set to return in the sequel he will not be the only baddie that Thor will have to deal with - however Feige would not speculate on who that might be.

Speaking to Collider Feige said: "Filming on Thor 2 begins in three months in London and it picks up where the first film left off in terms of Jane and Odin.

"Thor 2 also addresses what's been happening in the nine realms with the Asgardians unable to use the Bifrost," he said.

"Loki has a part in Thor 2, but there will be a different, big villain. The crux of Thor 2 is continuing the dynamic between Thor and Jane, as well as the relationship between Thor and Odin."

Thor took in excess of $449.3 million at the global box office last year and shot Chris Hemsworth to fame.

However Kenneth Branagh will not return to direct the sequel as Alan Taylor will take over the helm.

But Thor will be back on the big screen this summer as part of Avengers Assemble.

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