Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson was hit by a taxi while running away from fans who mobbed him on the New York City set of his new movie.

The British star was left unhurt by the scrape, which took place in downtown Manhattan on Thursday (18Jun09), while he was shooting Remember Me in the city.

A team of five burly security guards couldn't stop a swarm of teenage girls pouncing on Pattinson as he left the Strand bookstore during a film break, and, as he rushed across the road to safety, he was clipped on the hip by a yellow cab.

According to, one bodyguard checked Pattinson for injuries before screaming at the fans, "You see what you did, you almost killed him!"

The young actor has shot to fame since the release of Twilight, an adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's popular novels, last year.

Pattinson has become the latest Hollywood heartthrob and will return to the role of Edward Cullen later this year in New Moon, a movie that's already surrounded in hype.

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