Prince of Persia

Prince of Persia

Jordan Mechner, the creator of The Prince of Persia has revealed that he is pleased with the casting in the big screen adaptation of the hit game.

Jake Gyllenhaal takes on the central role of Prince Dastan and he is joined by Gemma Arterton, Ben Kingsley and Alfred Molina.

In an interview with movie blog HeyUGuys he said: "I wasn't involved in casting but I love the cast. I think they're all terrific.

"Jake looks a lot like the prince in the game. He's a great actor and I think for me he embodies a lot of the qualities that sort of define the kind of hero that I've always seen the Prince as.

"He's a warrior, but he's also got a sort of mischievous quality, a certain vulnerability and I think Jake brings that to the screen in a way that's really appealing."

"To me, the Prince Of Persia is almost an old-fashioned kind of film. It's romantic, adventurous and it's got these epic production values that can only be done today by a producer of the stature of Jerry Bruckheimer.

The Prince of Persia is just the latest computer game to be adapted for the big screen following in the footsteps of Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, Hitman and Max Payne.

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