Peter Jackson

Peter Jackson

Peter Jackson has revealed that he didn’t want the pressure of making The Hobbit.

Jackson was behind the Lord of the Rings trilogy and was expected to direct the big screen adaptation of The Hobbit.

Speaking to the Daily Telegraph the director said: I thought that there might be something unsatisfying about directing two Tolkien movies after Lord Of The Rings - I'd be trying to compete with myself and deliberately doing things differently, I want it to be natural.

Despite not being in the director’s chair the Oscar winning filmmaker is penning the script and acting as executive producer. The director admitted that he’s exited that it’s Guillermo Del Toro who will be helming the two movies.

"I thought about who might be an interesting director, it was an obvious choice.

"He's going to make the movie he wants. He doesn't want a carbon copy of me; he is who he is and he's terrific. It'll be very, very interesting."

But Jackson is back on the big screen later this month with the release of The Lovely Bones, an adaptation of the Alice Sebold novel.

The Lovely Bones is released 19th February.

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