Pete Postlethwaite

Pete Postlethwaite

Nick Hamm has heaped praise on Pete Postlethwaite calling it an 'amazing honour' to have him involved in Killing Bono.

The movie reaches screens this week and was the movie that the actor worked on before his death in January.

But director Hamm was thankful to have the experience actor aboard the project and believed that everyone benefited from having him on set.

Speaking at the UK premiere of the movie Hamm said: "He was one of the greats, and to have him on your set was just such an amazing honour.

"The last speech that he has in the film is about fame, what fame can do to you and how fame can both destroy you and make you.

"I think coming out of the mouth of somebody like Pete Postlethwaite, that has a resonance it doesn't have with other actors."

Killing Bono is based on the autobiography by Neil McCormick as he and his brother struggled in the music industry as U2 found huge success.

Killing Bono is released 1st April.

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