Naomi Watts

Naomi Watts

Naomi Watts reveals that there was a moment of panic when filming The Impossible when she was hit by an unexpected wave whilst strapped to a chair.

The actress is back on the big screen this new year with The Impossible, which tells the story of one family who get caught up win the Tsunami of 2004.

Speaking to East Living magazine the actress said: "When we were shooting in the tank, we really weren't acting.

"We were anchored in these chairs as the wave machine broke over us. There was a moment when I came up for air but couldn't get out of the chair. I was already out of breath and the chair took me under again."

The movie sees Watts team up with actor Ewan McGregor while Juan Antonio Bayona is back in the director's chair.

There are plenty of movie releases in the pipeline for Watts in 2013 as Movie 43, Two Mothers, Sunlight Jr and Diana are all set for release.

The latter will see her play Princess Diana in a movie that will document the last two years of her life.

The Impossible is released 1st January

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