Naomi Watts

Naomi Watts

Naomi Watts worried about meeting real life spy Valerie Palme.

The Oscar nominated actress takes on the role of Palme in Doug Liman's latest movie Fair Game - based on the real story of when her identity was lead to the press in 2003.

But the actress reveals that she was embarrassed when she came face to face with her and it wasn't until after a few meetings that she felt comfortable asking personal questions.
Speaking to Metro the actress said: "She wanted to meet at an airport. I remember saying to my husband: 'Who on earth meets at an airport?' And then I thought: 'Oh yeah. Of course, spies do.’

"I was a bit embarrassed at that first meeting. I was so respectful of Valerie that I thought: 'Oh no, she’s going to think I’m a total dumb arse so I’ll just go carefully and slowly with her.

"It wasn’t until our third meeting that we ordered a nice bottle of wine and I felt like I could throw some really personal questions at her, like how did she deal with this in the home?

"How did it affect her family and marriage?’

Watts has already completed work on Dream House, The Impossible and Movie 43 and is currently working on J.Edgar with Leonardo DiCaprio and Clint Eastwood.

Fair Game is released 11th March.

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