Michael Bay

Michael Bay

Michael Bay has had a change of heart and it seems that he might direct a third Transformers movie after all.

The filmmaker has reportedly unhappy with Paramount Studios announcing the release date for a third film in the franchise, expected to be in cinemas July 4, 2011.

The filmmaker said that "My brain needs a break from fighting robots" and his involvement in the project looked in doubt.

But with Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen breaking through the $200 million barrier in the U.S. last weekend he may have had a change of heart.

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal he said: "I just want to take some time off. It's been almost three years that I've devoted myself entirely to this world of robots." 

"At some point, enough is enough - and I literally carried this movie on my back.

"I don't know who [would] want to take on my shoes with this franchise. We might just take a year down."

The film is currently top of the UK box office.

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