Matthew Vaughn

Matthew Vaughn

Matthew Vaughn has defended the use of bad language in his latest movie Kick Ass.

The movie, which is a big screen adaptation of the popular comics, has sparked controversy with eleven year old Chloe Moretz uses the c-word.

In an interview with The Times the filmmaker said: "It's pretty amazing that four letters can have such a powerful effect on people. I would not condone a normal little girl killing people or swearing."

"You know, taboos have to be broken. And then we move on, and God knows what the next one will be.

"[It] was like a mini atomic bomb had exploded [when we used it]. Even later on, in the edit, we looked at all the other takes, and nothing had the same impact."

"Some kid thinking that it looks like fun, putting on a costume and getting their head kicked in.

"That would be a disaster. Which is one of the main reasons why there's a scene where Kick-Ass gets stabbed. I'm trying to say to the kids, 'Bad idea! Don't try this at home!'"

Despite all the controversy surrounding the use of bad language in the movie by children the Layer Cake filmmaker has refused to censor the movie.

"Seriously, it will ruin any creativity in this country, if we have to be answerable to [moral watchdogs]. It's a free country, and you don't have to watch it. But there are enough people who like this film to warrant it being made in the first place."

Kick Ass is the first movie for Vaughn since the hit Stardust in 2008.

Kick Ass is released 2nd April.

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