Katherine Heigl

Katherine Heigl

Katherine Heigl's husband does not like to watch his wife kiss other men in movies.

The actress is back on the big screen this week with Josh Duhamel in comedy Life As We Know It and Heigl has admitted that husband Josh Kelley would not visit the set on days when there were romantic scenes between the two.

Speaking to OK Magazine the actress revealed: "Actually, he and Josh Duhamel are good friends, but he would never come to the set when Josh and [I] had to like, kiss or make out.

"It does make him uncomfortable because he's not an actor, he's a musician. He always says to me, 'How would you feel if I had to make out with some girl in a video?'.

"And I'm like, 'If you have to do it, you have to do it. But I wouldn't want you to come home and tell me what a great kisser she is and I should try her technique.'"

It's been a good year for the actress after scoring box office success with Killers, which also starred Ashton Kutcher, as well as continuing to work on Grey's Anatomy.

Heigl has already completed work on One For The Money, which also stars John Leguizamo, which is due for release next year.

Life As We Know It is released 8th October.

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