John Cusack

John Cusack

John Cusack has admitted he feels he might have damaged his 'street cred' by starring in 2012.

2012 is the latest big budget disaster movie from Roland Emmerich, the man behind Independence Day, which follows a global cataclysm that brings an end to the world and tells of the heroic struggle of the survivors.

In an interview with Shortlist the actor said: I've done a couple of big movies like this here and there, so if you get a good one it's always good to do.

"Doing films like this helps you stay in the movie business, it helps you make the smaller ones."

"I suppose there's a risk to my street cred, being in a movie of this size, sure. But other than that the pressure's off me and on the studio. That's kind of a nice feeling.

"The script is very deftly written. It avoids some of the clichés that you find in those sorts of movies. It's cleverer. It's still melodrama, sure, but it's done well."

2012 is Cusack's first movie of 2009.

2012 is released 13th November.

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