Ian McKellan

Ian McKellan

Ian McKellan has assured Hobbit fans that the movie will go ahead.

The films will get made. I suspect we'll start shooting at end of this year.

It was announced last week that Guillermo Del Toro will no longer direct the project as the movie has yet to have been green lit.

The hunt for a new director is one but many have called for Peter Jackson, who has penned the script and was serving as executive producer on the movie, to take over.

And while the movie seems to be in total disarray McKellen has told fans not to panic and expects shooting to get underway at the end of the year.

Writing on his Twitter page the actor said:"Hobbit sets are ready, script ready and movie is casting this month. Fans are not to worry."

"The films will get made. I suspect we'll start shooting at end of this year."

However this is not the first that the actor, who will return as Gandalf, has predicted when principle photography will get underway on the film and he is yet to be correct.

A cast from the film is yet to be announced and it is yet unclear who will take on the role of Bilbo Baggins with the likes of James McAvoy and David Tennant being linked to the role.

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