Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

The US release date of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince has been moved for the second time.

The movie, which is the sixth film in the franchise, will now open on 15, July two days earlier that originally planned.

Dan Fellman, the head of distribution at Warner Bros told The Associated Press:"Every day the kids are out of school in summer is just like an extra Saturday."

This is the second change for the movie after is was pushed back from it's autumn 2008 release slot to this summer.

While the UK release date remains unchanged the film will now go up against the likes of Wolverine, Star Trek, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and Terminator Salvation as they fight it out for the summer box office crown.

However an early screen for fans last month left them disappointed. The film, which sees Dumbledore teach Potter how to defeat his enemy Voldemort, was called 'pointless' with many prominent character and plot lines missing.

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince opens in the UK on 17, July.

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