George Miller

George Miller

George Miller will be feted by the French government on Tuesday (02Mar10) when he's honoured for his contribution to film.
The Oscar-winning moviemaker, whose films include Happy Feet, Witches of Eastwick and Mad Max, has been named a recipient of the prestigious Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres, one of the country's highest accolades.
The award will be presented to Miller at a French Film Festival event in Sydney, Australia on Tuesday.
French Consulate official Jean-Jacques Garnier says, "George Miller is a well-known director in France... (The award is in recognition of) his life achievement as (a) director and what he gave to cinema in Australia and around the world."

Work by the filmmaker hasn't been seen on the big screen since Happy Feet back in 2006 but he will be returning to the director's chair next year.

Miller has two big projects in the pipeline including Happy Feet 2 as well as Mad Max: Fury Road. two movies on which he is also the writer and the producer.

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