Emily Blunt

Emily Blunt

Emily Blunt has expressed her disappointment at missing out on playing Black Widow in Iron Man 2.

The British actress, who is currently enjoying success with The Young Victoria, was the favourite to scoop the role in the sequel but a scheduling conflict with Gulliver's Travels has seen her miss out on appearing in the comic book franchise.

In an interview with MTV she said: "It was one of things that was conflicting. So it's a shame the two of them couldn't work together.

"It just got complicated, so I think I had to pull out for my own sanity more than anything."

However missing out on this role won't damage the star's career as 2009 looks set to be a busy one for the actress as well as going to film Gulliver's Travels, alongside funnyman Jack Black, The Wolfman, which also stars Benicio Del Toro and Anthony Hopkins is set to be released.

As for Iron Man 2 it is Scarlett Johansson that has been cast in the role of Black Widow.

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