Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe has been linked to a remake of Pinocchio.

It was revealed at Cannes this week that Guillermo Del Toro would be bringing the story of Pinocchio back to the big screen using stop motion animation.

He is set to produce and direct the movie and now Radcliffe has also been linked to the project.

I has also been suggested that this will be a much darker telling than the story that we are use to.

We haven't seen Del Toro in the director's chair since Hellboy II: The Golden Army back in 2008 but he will be back next year with Pacific Rim, which is currently in post production.

As for Radcliffe he has enjoyed huge box office success this year with The Woman In Black and has he now also completed work on Kill Your Darlings, in which he will take on the role of Allen Ginsberg.


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