Christopher Nolan

Christopher Nolan

Christopher Nolan believes that Anne Hathaway should get her own Catwoman spin off movie.

The actress takes over the role of Catwoman in Nolan's new Batman movie The Dark Knight Rises, which hits the big screen next week.

And the director had nothing but praise for the Oscar nominated actress and the performance that she delivers in the movie.

Speaking to Access Hollywood the director said: "Anne is incredibly precise and articulate about the psychology of the character.

"She's really built it from the ground up, it's just a delight to watch her perform, the things she does in those heels is not to be taken lightly."

When asked whether Hathaway's Selina Kyle should be given her own film, Nolan added: "I certainly think she deserves it, she's incredible."

It is the first time that Nolan has introduced Catwoman to his franchise and it is the first time that the character has appeared in a Batman movie since Michelle Pfeiffer back in 1992.

The Dark Knight Rises is released 20th July.

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