Bradley Copper has revealed that he was regularly injured on the set of The A-Team.
The actor takes on the role of Lieutenant Templeton 'Faceman' Peck in the new big screen version of the hit television series of the eighties.
When I got back each night I'd find new gashes and bruises
The movie sees The Hangover star team up with Liam Neeson, Sharlto Copley, Quinton Jackson and Jessica Biel in the Joe Carnahan directed movie.
Speaking to Men's Health magazine the actor said: "When I got back each night I'd find new gashes and bruises - I shot with this one gun so much that I had a chronic cut on my upper bicep from the kick-back of the stock."
"There was one moment where I was holding onto the underside of a semi-articulated truck with a makeshift roller-skate, the only thing keeping me mobile at 35mph.
"I actually did it: no stunt double, no green screen. When I watch it, it doesn't look real. It was f***ing scary!"
Despite the injuries and the hair-raising stunts the actor insists that he enjoyed every second of the shoot.
"I felt great. Previously, whatever film I was working on I was always a big nap taker. Those days are gone. Now I've always got tons of energy."
Cooper has already topped the box office with the ensemble cast of Valentine's Day and has already finished filming on The Dark Fields with Robert De Niro.
He also had Which Brings Me To You and The Hangover 2 in the pipeline.
Tagged in The A Team Bradley Cooper