Bradley Cooper

Bradley Cooper

Bradley Cooper claims he missed out on the role of Green lantern because he kept impersonating Christian Bale's Batman in the audition.

The role eventually went to Ryan Reynolds and Cooper admits that he couldn't but do his 'Batman voice' whilst trying to land the part.

Speaking to Absolute Now the actor said: "I did audition but I didn't get it, Ryan Reynolds did. The trouble was that when I auditioned, it being a superhero movie, I couldn't help but do my Christian Bale Batman voice.

"I don't know why. Needless to say I didn't get the job."

But it's not all doom and gloom for the actor as he has already topped the box office this year as part of the Valentine's Day ensemble cast.

And he is back on the big screen this summer with a movie remake of the hit TV show The A-Team, in which he takes on the role of Face.

He is currently filming The Dark Field with Robert De Niro, Anna Friel and Abbie Cornish and will go on to work on Which Brings Me Toy You and a second Hangover movie.

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