Blake Lively

Blake Lively

BLake Lively snubs big money movie offers so she is not typecast as a "commercial" actress.
The 22 year old shot to fame playing New York rich kid Serena van der Woodsen in the hit TV series, but will swap her glamorous character for a drug-addicted single mom in Ben Affleck's upcoming film The Town.
And the star admits she has given up her dream of buying a piece of the Big Apple's pricey real estate so she can take on low-paid roles in edgy projects.
She tells Britain's Marie Claire, "I'm on a very commercial show so the last thing I want to do is a commercial movie. I wanna take risks, I don't wanna play it safe.
"It would be nice to buy an apartment but I'm 22 and I don't need to yet. I live in New York City.

"So... I'm able to differentiate between what I want and need, and what I want more is to do great roles."

But the actress is going to get her first taste of the big budget blockbuster next year when she stars alongside Ryan Reynolds in Green Lantern, the latest DC Comic character to make it to the big screen.

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