Andrew Garfield

Andrew Garfield

Andrew Garfield admits that he can identify with Spider Man.

The British actor has landed the role of Peter Parker aka Spider Man in a reboot of the franchise after Tobey Maguire and filmmaker Sam Raimi left a proposed fourth movie.

Garfield saw off tough competition from the likes of Logan Lerman for the role and admits that he could identify with his struggle and vulnerability.

Speaking to The AP the actor said: "His youth, his relatability, his struggle. He was just this skinny boy. He was a skinny boy who felt stronger on the inside than he looked on the outside, and I related to it immediately, and it stayed with me as I grew up."

"Every single generation of the comic, the cartoons and the movies, it all means a great deal to me. It was always something that gave me hope as a skinny little kid whose sense of injustice about the world didn't match his sense of strength about his body.

"I found it so inspiring and uplifting and reassuring. To be a part of that mythology and that legacy is a true honour."

But before Garfield finds himself in the big budget blockbuster he is making waves in Never Let Me Go alongside Keira Knightley and Carey Mulligan, a movie that is already grabbing some Oscar attention.

The movie is a big screen adaptation of Kazuo Ishiguro's directed by Mark Romanek. He will also star in The Social Network with Jesse Eisenberg later this year.

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