Adrien Brody

Adrien Brody

Adrien Brody took on his new movie Splice because he liked the 'complex issues and dilemmas' in the script.

The actor stars in the horror thriller, which is directed by Vincenzo Natali and also stars Sarah Polley.

The movie follows Elsa and Clive, two young rebellious scientists, defy legal and ethical boundaries and forge ahead with a dangerous experiment: splicing together human and animal DNA to create a new organism.

And it was issues like this that Brody admits made the script more appealing. Speaking to he said: "The role was really interesting. Clive deals with a lot of complex issues and dilemmas.

"But, I think it just was one of the most strange and unique scripts that I’ve ever read, with the levels in which things went wrong and mistakes were made, and the repercussions of those mistakes, and how they affected the characters and their relationship and the rest of the world.

I like science fiction very much. I like to find characters and subject matter that is complex, so to find that within that genre is very exciting. It’s fun to do something that has an element of it that’s scary, on a real level, because the advancements in technology and scientific research in today’s world are not that far off.

"It has an element of truth to it. It’s a family movie, in a weird way. It’s this insulated group of two young, successful, ambitious people, where one wants to be a parent and the other isn’t ready for that, in their career.

"They’re thrust into this situation where they become parents, so to speak, and then there’s the dynamic of the mother giving the attention to the infant and the father being deprived.

"And then, it changes, as the girl grows to maturity and leans towards her father, on many levels. I loved that. And, progressively, it becomes more and more messed up.

Splice is released 4th June.

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