Adrien Brody

Adrien Brody

Adrien Brody is not trying to compete with Arnold Schwarzenegger in his new movie Predators.

The Oscar winning actor leads the cast in Robert Rodriguez's re-imagining of the 1987 movie directed by Nimród Antal.

Speaking to Collider the actor said: "We're making a very different movie, but there's always going to be some expectation, especially because of Schwarzenegger making the original 'Predator' and being such a bodybuilder.

"It's a very different... You know, I'm not trying to do anything like that.

"I feel like, in any role that I play, it's important to look the part, but also within a movie like this, you know, there's a playfulness that has to come with it, and I think that it's a balancing act."

The movie follows a group of elite warriors are hunted by members of a merciless alien race known as Predators and Brody compares the movie to Alien.

"It's reminiscent of 'Alien' and all these kind of movies that I love and the feel is very kind of foreboding and spooky.

"So if we can create a world, which, you know, with the help of the art director and the DP, and our DP is phenomenal, and when we shot the jungle sequences, you didn't see any of that, that's just epic jungle.

"I've never seen anything like it. And I've travelled a lot. The scale and scope of the jungle we were in was just mind blowing."

Predators is released 22nd July.

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