Adrien Brody

Adrien Brody

Adrien Brody has admitted that he has been looking for a role like Predators.

The actor moves into the sci-fi action movie this week as he leads the cast in Robert Rodriguez's re-working of the Predator movie of the eighties.

And while we are not use to seeing Brody in the more physical roles Brody admits that he has wanted to take on a role like this for some time.

Speaking to FirstShowing the Oscar winner said: "I've looked long and hard for an opportunity like this, it's not something that I just decided upon lately.

"It's a challenge, I think, when you establish yourself as a certain type of actor, or an actor that has not had an opportunity to be seen in a physical role like this or an action film, to win the endorsement of a studio, which I understand is making practical business decisions, as well.

"I'm grateful that I had the support of Robert [Rodriguez] initially and Nimrod [Antal] You know, there was interest in another role that didn't appeal to me.

"But I look at this as an opportunity to do something really special within a type of film that I love.

Predators kicks off a busy summer for Brody who also has another sci-fi moving coming out this summer in the form of Splice, he also has The Experiment and High School in the pipeline.

Predators is out now.

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