The film tells the story of Shawn (Femi Oyeniran), who has been given a privileged start in life but finds that he doesn’t fit into the world that his parents hoped he would.
Deliberately deceiving his family, he enrolls at his cousin’s college where he discovers the world of girls, parties and excitement that he’s been craving.
Trying to impress Chrissy (Roxie Sternberg), the hottest girl in school, Shawn manages to destroy his father’s prized Lotus and needs to find £20,000 to repair the damage - all before his parents return from holiday.
Persuaded by his wayward cousin and new friends, Shawn devises a plan to make some quick money but with potentially damaging consequences. Quickly becoming uncomfortable with the lies he is telling not only to his family and friends but to the wider world, Shawn wants to come clean.
Things get more complicated when he meets Natalie (Red Madrell) who believes his lies and is touched by his generous spirit. Shawn soon becomes torn between his growing feelings for Natalie and fear of his father’s wrath and must decide which path he wants to take.
Starring: Femi Oyeniran, Red Mandrell, Roxie Sternberg, Jazzie Zonzolo
It's A Lot is released 25th October.