Directed, written and produced by award-winning Filipino-American documentary filmmaker Ramona S Diaz (Imelda), the film tells the real life rock-n-roll fairytale story of Filipino Arnel Pineda, who was plucked from obscurity to become the front man for American rock band, Journey.
The documentary was picked for Official Selection at the Tribeca Film Festival, San Francisco International Film Festival and Silverdocs Documentary Festival, where it received rave reviews.
Fired from his job as a cover band singer in Hong Kong, Filipino musician Arnel Pineda had little hope for the future.
That was until the iconic American rock band Journey saw an internet video of Arnel's band and decided to give him a shot at becoming their new lead singer.
Don’t Stop Believin’: Everman’s Journey is the incredible rags to rock star story of a man destined for greater things.
Don’t Stop Believin’: Everman’s Journey will be released in cinemas from late March.