In "Transylmania," a motley group of college students embark on the wildest, sexiest, most outrageous semester abroad ever at Razvan University.
Located deep in the heart of the "cursed land" of Transylvania in a centuries-old castle, Razvan isn't your typical institution of higher learning and the black leather-clad professors, three-foot-tall dean, instruction in crucifix-wielding, and topless vampiresses lurking in dark corners are just the start.
It seems Castle Razvan was overtaken by a band of vampires led by the feared Vampire King Radu in the dark ages who's come back to reclaim it.
Starring: Patrick Cavanaugh, James DeBello, Tony Denman, Paul H. Kim, Jennifer Lyons, Oren Skoog, Irena A. Hoffman, David Steinberg.