Acts of Rebellion: different acts of rebellion which resulted in the joint detention on a Saturday, this included skipping class to go shopping and pulling the fire alarm.

What: Catch Me If You Can
When: 2002
Rebel: Frank Abagnale Jr. (Leonardo DiCaprio)

Storyline: Before Frank’s 19th birthday he had successfully conned millions of dollars through many fake aliases.

He convinced numerous authorities and people that he was a doctor, a pilot and an attorney before his eventual capture.

Acts of Rebellion: Cheque forgery, arrested, fraud and stealing

What: The Warriors
When: 1979
Rebel: Cleon (Dorsey Wright), leader of ‘The Warriors’
Storyline: New York rebel street gang called ‘The Warriors’ are framed for killing a gang leader during a truce event meeting between all gangs.

The aim is to form an army against the police. A hit is then called on ‘The Warriors’ which quickly turns into a war.

Acts of Rebellion: Gang activity, arson, threats against the police, gun fire, arrested, murder and assault.

What: The Outsiders
When: 1983
Rebel: Numerous rebels, The Outsiders started the career of many well known names such as Tom Cruise, Patrick Swayze, Diane Lane, Rob Lowe and Matt Dillon.

Storyline: Gang conflict between teenage groups ‘The Greasers’ and ‘The Socs’ in Oklahoma. Some gang rebel members were as young as 14 years old.

The constant fighting caused a downward spiral with negative final consequences.

Acts of Rebellion: Knife violence, fights, murder, stealing and gun fire.

Youth In Revolt is out on DVD and Blu-Ray now




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