John August, who has written such diverse films as Go, Big Fish, Corpse Bride, and Charlie's Angels, makes his directorial debut with The Nines, a complex, thought-provoking work divided into three sections and featuring the same actors playing different roles, with the number nine always lurking in the background.In "The Prisoner," a troubled television star finds himself under house arrest, with his chipper publicist and disillusioned next-door neighbor providing his only links to the outside world. Mysterious events lead him to question whether one or both women are deceiving him about the nature of his incarceration. "Reality Televisionis a 30-minute episode of "Behind the Screen, a Project Greenlight-style documentary series tracking the process of creating a network television drama. Having shot the pilot, creator/showrunner Gavin Taylor faces post-production with the help of his best friend (and lead actress) Melissa McCarthy and development VP Susan Howard. Knowing finds an acclaimed videogame designer and his wife facing car trouble deep in the woods. Their daughter uncovers information which leads to a difficult and irrevocable choice.

Starring Ryan Reynolds, Hope Davis, Melissa McCarthy, Elle Fanning and Dahlia Salem.

The Nines is released 30th November.

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