The Insatiable Moon

The Insatiable Moon

When Arthur, self-proclaimed second son of God, sets out to save the world he loves, miracles can happen.

He brings wonder and hope to his enchanted urban life, shadowed by his devoted band of boarding house friends. The foul-mouthed house manager Bob cares for the men with a rough sort of love.

Fragile community worker Margaret, struggling with infertility and an empty marriage, wonders at her own grip on reality when she falls for the charismatic Maori man after a chance meeting.

A night of mystical sex under the light of that looming moon leaves her teetering on the brink of fantasy. Was it all meant to be? But Arthur, single-minded, must be about his mission.

When the closure of his communal home is threatened, he sees an opportunity to prove his heavenly credentials.

Arthur preaches his vision of a just and caring society to those who would destroy his world. Just when it seems he has worked another of his miracles, his own mind begins to disintegrate. The centre won’t hold.

Increasingly confused and distracted, he is confined to the local psychiatric ward, where doctors pronounce him delusional and drug him into submission.

Those like Margaret who have come to believe in him face a new and agonising doubt. Has it all come to nothing? Was Arthur’s insight offered in vain? But even in the face of despair, it seems that Arthur’s magic continues...

Starring: Sara Wiseman, Rawiri Paratene

The Insatiable Moon is released March 4th