Taare Zameen Par follows Ishaan Awasthi, an eight year old boy, who sees the world as a place of wonder and cannot understand why adults don't appreciate colours, fish, dogs and kites the way he does.But Ishaan just can't seem to get things right in the classroom and is constantly in trouble.In a bid to try anf halt is troublesome ways his parents send him to bearding school to be 'disciplined'.But here things are no different as he also has to deal with being away from home.But one day Ram Shanker Nikumbh, the new art teacher, bursts onto the scene.He breaks all the rules allowing the children to dream and imagine all of the children respond to this new way of teaching with enthusiasm except Ishaan.
Nikumbh recognises that Ishaan is very unhappy and tries to discover why.
With time and patience Nikumbh uncovers the truth as well as helping Ishaan find himself.
Starring: Aamir Khan, Tisca Chopra, Darsheel Safary and M.K. Raina.
Taare Zameen Par is released 21st December.
View the Taare Zameen Par gallery.